Christian Fellowship Academy

CFA's Purpose & Beliefs Contact CFA Helpful Links Christian Fellowship Academy Attendance, Progress Reports, Study Plan & More Resources CFA Enrollment Procedures

Welcome to Christian Fellowship Academy

Christian Fellowship Academy is a church school in Alabama offering
A Christian family-based approach to home education   




Our main ministry:
Is to inform & encourage Christian families to educate their children

from a Christian worldview and for fellowship with like minded families.


CFA Enrollment is open YEAR- ROUND


Please read all the pages on our website to find out about our school

 You will need to print the appropriate forms needed to join the group. Forms 

The CFA forms are PDF files,which require Adobe Reader. 
 If not already installed on your computer,

download it free from the link below.


Please look over the information about CFA
          to find out if our school will fit your family's needs.

If, after looking over this information,
there is something you want to discuss prior to enrolling,
please contact the Administator


Fees to join CFA are 

$100.00 for new members

(The new member fee is the yearly $75.00 Membership/Enrollment & a $25.00 Admission Fee )


$75.00 for re-enrolling CFA members returning by Aug.1st


All fees must be paid via check or money order.

We do not accept debit cards, credit cards or any other form of online payments.




*** New enrolling members may join at any time ***


*** Returning CFA members need to re-enroll by August 1st *** 

 ***Fees are non-refundable once the paperwork/enrollment process is complete***  




Superintendent/ Director of Christian Fellowship Academy

Anthony Clapp


Administrator of Christian Fellowship Academy

                                   Jaime Clapp                                   


     135 County Road 972 Cullman, AL 35057



----------------------------- Christian Fellowship Academy --------------------------------

Christian Fellowship Academy, (CFA), is a non-profit home education ministry providing a legal "covering" under which Christian families can teach their children at home.

 (Examples of parents teaching and instructing their children can be found in Deuteronomy 6 and Proverbs 22:6 ).

We at CFA encourage Christian parents to home educate their children. We feel it is the parent's biblical responsibility to educate their children. CFA leaves curriculum choice and educational methods up to the parents. Personal records are to be maintained by the parent. CFA reports each student to the appropriate school districts. The State requires attendance therefore, we require attendance to be turned in annually by June 15th.

We suggest you keep a progress report in your file in case you decide to transfer/ or need a high school transcript.

The benefits of joining CFA

Accountability to your local school district.

Freedom to choose methods, curriculum and materials.

No testing required. Parents are free to choose how to assess their child's progress.

School calendar determined by parent. We only require that members complete 160 days by June 15th in order for us to close out our records by the end of our School Year.

How to become a CFA Member

Complete 3 copies of the church school enrollment form for each student

Complete 2 copies of the application/admissions form for the family 

Complete & Sign 1 copy of the Disclaimer form

Fill out a Request for school records form & withdrawal form (if transferring from another school).

Submit one-time Admission Fee ($25.00 per Family, not Student)

Submit Yearly Membership/Enrollment Fee  (75.00 per Family, not Student)


Teach at least 160 days each school year

 Parents are to Maintain:

A plan book or other means of recording & indicating subjects taught for each child 

Samples of your child's academic work

An attendance record in your file (And mail a copy to CFA by June 15)

Keep the administrator informed of any changes such as: mailing address,email address,phone numbers,and enrollment decisions 

Notify CFA of changes in Homeschool status



  It is our desire to provide a Godly atmosphere for our children to develop and nurture lasting friendships.

" For many, "school" is the main focus in "homeschooling." As for me "home" is most important." Rebekah Pearl Anast

" The best gift we can give our children is an education that builds itself upon the foundation of the Word of God, in the safety of a loving home. "

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction." -- Proverbs 1:7 “

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness". 2 Timothy 3:16

"These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." — Deuteronomy 6:6-7

"An education without the Bible is useless." Noah Webster

"Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil."  C.S. Lewis

"To educate a man in mind, and not in morals, is to educate a menace to society".~~ Theodore Roosevelt

"What is most important and valuable about the home as a base for children's growth into the world is not that it is a better school than the schools, but that it isn't a school at all."
--John Holt

"You can teach a student a lesson for a day, but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives." ~~ Clay P. Bedford

"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance." ~~David Curtis Bok


    2 Teach is

+2 Touch lives

  4 Ever


--------------------Christian Fellowship Academy's Purpose-------------------

Christian Fellowship Academy is a church school in Alabama offering
A Christian family-based approach to home education

(Alabama Code Section 16-28-1 )


The purpose of CFA is to provide support to Christian parents who educate their children at home.

 We encourage Christian parents to take responsibility for the education of their children.

We believe in doing this from a (christian worldview.)

"Christian's can't develop a Christian view of education

by accepting the usual aims and views of our society

and then adding a "Christian message" or interpretation.

No, we start from a different basis.

We have another world view-- another people view!"

~~ Susan Schaeffer Macaulay

Our family-based approach to teaching offers parents the resources,

 support, knowledge, and skills necessary to provide their children with learning experiences that encourage.

Identifying and acknowledging a child's and family's strengths

are cornerstones of a family-based approach.

The family-based approach acknowledges that parents are the best instructors

for their children's education.


------------------------ More on Christian Fellowship Academy ----------------------

-- We encourage parents to use a broad spectrum of materials --

We encourage parents to educate

themselves to find what fits their family needs.

Try to avoid grade-level thinking.

-- Children learn in different ways --
-- Each child's learning is specific to them -- 

Not all children are ready to learn at the same time.

Grade levels can harm children if they are used as your only method to gauge learning.

 It is better to teach your children in ways they understand, so that you know they are learning.

Attempting to teach children something that they not ready for, because a certain curriculum/method says it should be taught at a certain age/grade, may end up frustrating both you and your children. 


"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself." --John Dewey